If The Students Allowances Are Not Paid Within The Shortest Time, Students May Stop The Online Learning- P.R.O St. Joseph’s College Of Education | Ameco Connect - Your Trusted Partner



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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

If The Students Allowances Are Not Paid Within The Shortest Time, Students May Stop The Online Learning- P.R.O St. Joseph’s College Of Education | Ameco Connect

If The Students Allowances Are Not Paid Within The Shortest Time, Students May Stop The Online Learning- P.R.O St. Joseph’s College Of Education 

Hon. Isaac Mensah

Students in the 46 Colleges of Education are still waiting on government to pay their allowances. Almost every collegian attend to every notification which appears on their phones day in and day out hoping to see SMS from SLTF but it is rather unfortunate that these messages are not always the expected ones to them.

It is indeed a chewing stick in the mouths of most collegians on when they will receive their allowances. On an interview with Hon. Mensah Isaac, the SRC Public Relations Officer of St. Joseph’s College of Education stated emphatically on the difficulties students in his college are passing through and the need for government to pay the allowances of collegians.

Hon. Mensah said that some collegians in his college are going through difficulties in the online learning as it is the first time most of them are using online for studying. He also added that poor network connectivity, lack of phones and financial problem for students to purchase internet bundles as contributory difficulties in this time of students’ life without allowances being paid.

“We are being pressurized as SRC representatives from the students body”, said Hon. Mensah. He explained further that collegians in his college were filled with joy when the news came out that government was to pay their allowances by May ending. Students upon not receiving any notification on the said time has been therefore calling them as SRC representatives all day-long with a lot of questions on why allowances were not paid which they do not have any answer to that.

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On his expectations from the government, he stated that government should quickly pay the allowances of students in order to maintain peace of mind in their lives. He pointed it out also that, if the students allowances are not paid within the shortest time, students may stop the online learning because they may not be able to afford all the things which would be needed to facilitate their learning.

In his final word to his colleagues, he encouraged all collegians to remain calm and resolute and never despair though they are in difficult times. He thus pleaded on parents and guardians to give the necessary support to their wards in this times that students have not receive their allowances.
Now the big question almost all collegians are asking is, “When will we receive our allowances?”

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